Movie Library Correlation Analysis Using Python

  • Imported and Analyzed a movie library public dataset from Kaggle with over 7000+ rows of data on Jupyter.
  • Implemented Numpy and Pandas libraries in order to clean the data by finding and dropping missing values, converting data types for certain columns,Sorting values and Dropping duplicates
  • Imported Matplotlib and Seaborn libraries to depict Scatterplots and Linear Regression Models to visualize datapoints
  • Explored Correlation between various numeric datapoints through Pearson, Kendall and Spearman Method and plotted Heatmaps,and Strip plots for the same through Seaborn.
  • Converted objects to category datatype and assigned random numeric value to each unique categories value, formed sorted pairs and extracted Correlation between all datapoints for comparison insights

COVID-19 Data Exploration and Visualization

  • Extracted Covid-19 dataset through public repositories and bifurcated data into multiple files for easier exploration.
  • Executed complex SQL queries such as Joins,CTE'S,Temp Tables, Windows Functions, Aggregate Functions,Creating Views, Changing datatypes to explore,evaluate and draw important insights from data and pushed code to GitHub.
  • Designed multiple variation of visually appealing advanced COVID-19 Tableau Dashboard using aforementioned and similar datasets by modelling Dual-Axis Symbol Maps, Stacked Bars,Area Charts,Highlight Tables, Histograms,Formatting worksheets and Incorporating Animations.

Amazon Web Scrapping Using Python

  • Scraped product name,pricing and sizing data from Amazon using BeautifulSoup and Requests to analyze product parameters.
  • Designed alert emails to be sent to customers using smtplib to notify them of drop in prices to encourage purchases

HR Dashboard Using Power BI

  • Build an attractive and eye-catching HR Dashboard
  • Visualize gender and racial diversity using graphs and charts in Power BI
  • Explore buttons, themes, filters, and slicers to make the dashboard interactive and smart

Analyzing NYC Public School Test Result Score

  • Exceuted Complex SQL queries such as selection of multiple columns from a database, applying filters, counting unique values, aggregating numeric data, and sorting and grouping query results.
  • Identified how performance varies by borough and how many schools fail to report information
  • Explored the top ten performing schools across the city

Optimizing Online Sports Retail Revenue

  • Analyzed product data for an online sports retail company using SQL.
  • Worked with numeric, string, and timestamp data on pricing and revenue, ratings, reviews, descriptions, and website traffic.
  • Implemented techniques such as aggregation, cleaning, labeling, Common Table Expressions, and correlation to produce recommendations on how the company can maximize revenue!